June 2015


Push it! 30-Day Jumping Jack Challenge

OFJCC Specialized Trainer Etty Varenberg challenges you to add jumping jacks to your fitness routine in July. In the video she shares her tips for doing them effectively whether you are a beginner or an expert. Beginners can do a step jack, intermediate exercisers a jumping jack and experts a squat jack. As...


What I Learned From My Dad

Editor’s note: This essay originally appeared in The Times of Israel. Today is both Father’s Day and the 6-month anniversary of my father’s passing. So in honor of his memory, I want to share a few thoughts on what I learned from my dad. For he was, among other things,...


The Graduation Speech That Won’t Wait

I have always wanted to be invited to give a speech at a commencement ceremony. And since I am not sure it will ever happen, I decided to use my remarks at our OFJCC Leslie Family Preschool Graduation Ceremony to deliver that speech. Enjoy! I’m guessing that since you have...

President's Award nominee Stuart Klein with his children, Maddy and Zack.

No Money, No Land, But the OFJCC Had a Secret Weapon: Stuart Klein

At our recent Annual Meeting, the Oshman Family JCC honored its first Presidential Award winner, Stuart Klein, for his instrumental role in bringing to fruition the Taube Koret Campus for Jewish Life and the OFJCC. His friends, family and colleagues tell the story of the deal he put together against all...