Jewish Life

Tzachi Flat (left) and other JOFEE Fellows on a nature trip.

Five Steps You Can Take for a Healthier Environment

With reports of this past month being the hottest August since recordings began, it’s important to take a moment to think of how we are treating the environment and the world around us. There is a story that comes from the Mishnah, part of the Hebrew oral Torah. There is a...

OFJCC Board Member Hilary Weisfeld and her family enjoying the outdoors.

Honoring 9/11 through the Jewish value of Tikkun Olam

Pirkei Avot, the traditional compilation of Hebrew ethical teachings, contains a well-known line attributed to Rabbi Tarfon about accomplishment: “You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to desist from it (2:21).” The meaning of this line is that while it may not be possible...

Zack with Admin Interns Summer 2016

Interns Reflect: The Top Five Things We Learned This Summer

Many professionals have had the experience of interning during their college years. Completing an internship can have a formative effect on students and their soft skills. This summer, four college students had the opportunity to intern in a variety of departments at the Oshman Family JCC including Member Services, Camps,...

Yad Vashem Holocaust Remembrance Center, Israel

Six Lessons I Learned from Elie Wiesel

As I sit on the plane flying home after our first-ever Silicon Valley Community Trip to Israel, I want to reflect on the passing of Elie Wiesel.  We were in Jerusalem when we heard that Elie Wiesel had died, and it just so happened that our group was slated to...

It’s Time for a Universal Yom HaShoah Ritual

Did you know tomorrow is Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day? What will you do differently? Maybe you will wear white. Maybe you will go to a ceremony at your local JCC or synagogue. Maybe you will light a yahrtzeit candle. Or maybe you won’t do anything special at all tomorrow. But...


18 Fun Things To Do With Matzo

I look forward to Passover every year. I love getting together with family and friends. I’m a big fan of charoset, and I even have a special place in my stomach for gefilte fish. But around day three or four, I’ve had enough matzo! There are however a few recipes...

Passover Seder

My Passover Memories

What was your favorite childhood Jewish experience? For me, it was our family Passover Seders. Every year, my family would schlep across the country to Maryland or New Jersey or Florida—depending on whose turn it was to host—to join my aunts and uncles, cousins and grandparents, so we could retell...