Six Words Are All You Need


You may have noticed the new stock ticker that is streaming six-word tweets live in the OFJCC‘s Fitness Center lobby. It’s there as part of the Six-Word Memoir initiative begun by SMITH Magazine; the Jewish cultural mavens at Reboot have brought this interactive embodiment of the project to the OFJCC for our community members to interact with.

The original movement, begun by SMITH‘s editor Larry Smith in 2006, was inspired by Ernest Hemingway’s legendary shortest of short stories: “For sale: Baby shoes, never worn.” Over a million participants worldwide have since distilled their own stories down to their most essential elements.Six Word Memoir

Our CEO Zack Bodner recently challenged some of who work here whittle down the mission and culture of the OFJCC into just six words. Here are some of my favorite responses to the question: How would you describe what the OFJCC does?

Connecting to Judaism in different ways.

Soul-filled adventures in loving community.

Coming to your new Jewish home.

Breathe fresh air into old concepts.

Live Jewish your way with us.

Jewish community. Soul satisfied. Family fed.

Make smiles, make wellness, make memories.


As a followup, Zack asked us to describe the OFJCC of the future in another six words:

It is going to look AMAZING!

The place we do “New Jewish.”

Connected community, free, safe, experimental zone.

Plugging in to high tech Judaism.

Celebrating the past, embracing the future.

Together we are building a Jewtopia.


What can you say in six words? Tweet it with the hashtag #SixWordOFJCC and see it appear in real time on our lobby ticker. This week’s prompt is:

“What will you do differently this year?” 

Don’t have Twitter on your mobile device? Write your response below or on a card in our Fitness Center lobby and we’ll tweet it for you. Learn more about “Six-Word Memoirs” here.


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Amy Snell

Written by Amy Snell

Amy Snell was formerly the OFJCC's Senior Communications Manager. When not engaged in social media blitzing, Amy enjoys spending time exhorting her two teenage sons to do their chores, shower and study. She also noodles about in sailboat races (motto: Don't break the boat), pretends to play the ukulele, and wants to be a karaoke star when she grows up.

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