Five Tips to Conquer the Post-Vacation Blues


1. Give yourself a day.
If possible, leave yourself a day after you get back to go grocery shopping, do laundry, recover from jet lag… and mope. You’re allowed to feel sorry for yourself. If you enjoy cooking, use the groceries you just bought to make yourself something that allows you to pretend you’re still on vacation—you know, mojitos, margaritas or Mai Tais.



2. Reminisce. Use this time to look through your pictures and reminisce and, if you’re the type, post them on Facebook so your friends can get nice and jealous. It may make you feel a little better.



3. Get fake tanning lotion/wipes. You should have been using sunscreen on your trip, (unlike those trips you took when you were younger), so you may not have come back with a gorgeous golden glow. Thank goodness there’s a solution for that. Slather it on and get ready to bask in the compliments from co-workers.



4. Take it one email at a time. On your first day back to work, accept that there is no way you will be able to catch up immediately. Take your time sorting through your 1,000+ emails and remind yourself that you can only do so many things at once.



5. Start looking ahead. Start to plan your next big vacation, even if it won’t be for a long, long time. The planning will give you something exciting to look forward to. Here we come, Ireland! Only 327 days to go!



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Liz Torczyner

Written by Liz Torczyner

Liz was the Director of Marketing at the Oshman Family JCC. She loves great food, spending time with family and friends, and singing shamelessly in the car. An avid carnivorous plant collector, Liz has about 50 merciless bug-eaters in her yard.

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